Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office

Mission Statement
The mission of the Spotsylvania Emergency Communications Center is to provide the vital link between our public safety agencies, our citizens, and those passing through Spotsylvania County. We strive to ensure the preservation of life and property by treating all those who use our services with professionalism, courtesy, and compassion. We bring calm in times of chaos, order where there is disorder, and clarity in moments of confusion by sending an appropriate response and relaying accurate information in a timely and efficient manner.
Emergency Communications Center
The Emergency Communications Center is staffed by trained public safety professionals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and serves as the 911 answering point and public safety dispatch center for Spotsylvania County. Our ECC answers all 911 calls for the County, as well as non-emergency and administrative lines for the Sheriff’s Office. Our ECC also dispatches law enforcement, animal control, fire and emergency medical services within our county, as well as in surrounding areas through mutual aid agreements with our neighboring jurisdictions.
If you have any questions, please email us.